at will


at will 的定义

  1. Freely, as one pleases, as in The grounds are open to the public and one can wander about at will, or With this thermostat you can adjust the room temperature at will. [1300s]

at will 近义词

at will

等同于 ad-lib

at will

等同于 freely

at will

等同于 ad libitum

更多at will例句

  1. I spoke first with Scott Ellman, a student at Wesleyan University and now the Huffington Post editor-at-large for his campus.
  2. The at-home genetics testing company 23andme, established in 2006, helps people learn more about their “DNA relatives.”
  3. This at-home blood test kit gives a full reading of antioxidant, fatty acid, or vitamin panels.
  4. At-home caretakers are eligible for Medicaid waivers, which allow benefits regardless of income.
  5. Because women with disabilities are one of the most at-risk demographics in the world.
  6. And with some expressions of mutual good-will and interest, master and man separated.
  7. Sleek finds it far harder work than fortune-making; but he pursues his Will-o'-the-Wisp with untiring energy.
  8. For this use of the voice in the special service of will-power, or propelling force, it is necessary first to test its freedom.
  9. The Marshals were inclined to attribute their disgrace to the ill-will of Berthier and not to the temper of Napoleon.
  10. Tressan was monstrous ill-at-ease, and his face lost a good deal of its habitual plethora of colour.